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Articles of Cooperation   

Jefferson County, Ohio
Regional Planning Commission

AMENDMENT: 12/19/91
AMENDMENT: 11/29/95
AMENDMENT: 10/22/08

Table Of Content

Section I - NAME

Section II - REGION


Article 01 - Eligibility

Article 02 - Representation

Article 03 - Vacancies


Article 01 - Regional Plans

Article 02 - Amendments to Regional Plans

Article 03 - Subdivision Regulations

Article 04 - Community Assistance

Article 05 - Township Zoning Resolution Review

Article 06 - Other Powers


Article 01 - President and Vice President

Article 02 - Secretary

Article 03 - Executive Committee

Article 04 - Vacancies on Executive Committee

Article 05 - Special Committees


Article 01 - Powers of Executive Committee

Article 02 - Adoption of Plans


Article 01 - Commission Meetings

Article 02 - Executive Committee Meetings

Article 03 - Quorum

Article 04 - Voting

Article 05 - Parliamentary Procedures


Article 01 - Civil Subdivision Contributions

Article 02 - County Contribution

Article 03 - Authority to Receive Grants

Article 04 - Certification of Appropriation


Article 01 - Professional Staff


Article 01 - Local Community Certificate

Article 02 - Local Community Adoption

Article 03 - Local Communities Not Adopting


Article 01 - Inclusion of Statutes

Article 02 - Inclusion of Severance Clause


Article 01 - Method of Withdrawal


Article 01 - Methods for Amendments


Article 01 - Time of Taking Effect

Section I - NAME

The Name or title of the Commission shall be the "Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission", and shall hereinafter sometimes be referred to as the "Commission".

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Section II - REGION

The Region for which the Regional Planning Commission shall be created and maintained (hereinafter referred to as the "Region") shall be all of Jefferson County, Ohio.

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Article 3.01 - Eligibility

All Municipal governmental units, (Cities, Villages, Townships) and the County of Jefferson may participate in the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission and may appoint a representative to the Commission upon meeting the terms and conditions set forth in this Section.

Article 3.02 - Representation

A. Jefferson County Board of Commissioners

The Board of County Commissioners shall serve during their tenure in office.

B. Jefferson County Engineer

The Jefferson County Engineer shall serve in an ad hoc capacity during his tenure in office.

C. Cities

Each city in Jefferson County shall have one (1) member on the Commission. The Mayor or his designee shall serve on the Commission during his tenure in office.

D. Villages

The Mayor or his authorized representative shall serve on the Commission for his tenure of office.

E. Townships

One (1) Township Trustee from each Township in Jefferson County shall serve on the Commission for his tenure in Office.

F. Alternate Representative

Each municipal Governmental Unit is allowed to have one (1) Alternate Representative on the Commission. The Alternate Representative does not have any voting privileges. In cases where the primary representative (member) is unable to attend a particular Commission meeting, the Alternate Representative or whomever has been designated by the primary representative assumes all rights and privileges granted to the primary representative if the primary representative notifies the JCRPC office by 3:00 pm that day.

G. Citizen Representatives

One (1) Citizen Representative for every 25,000 people residing in Jefferson County as determined by the last Federal Decennial Census. Such representatives shall be appointed by the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners for a term of one (1) year commencing on January 1.
NOTE: To determine the proper number of Citizen Representatives on the Commission, the following rule is in effect. When dividing the divisor into the dividend and the quotient is not a whole number; and, if the fractional remainder is .5 or higher, one (1) Citizen Representative shall be added to the Commission Membership.

Article 3.03 - Vacancies

Any vacancy occurring among the Municipal or County representation shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner in which the said member was originally chosen.

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Article 4.01 - Regional Plans

The Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission shall have the power and duty to make plans and maps of the Region showing the Commission's recommendation for land use patterns, systems of transportation, highways, park and recreational facilities, water Supply, sewerage and sewerage disposal, solid waste disposal, civic centers and other public improvements which affect the development of the Region as a whole, or more than one political subdivision within the Region, and which do not begin and terminate within the boundaries of any single municipality.

Article 4.02 - Amendments to Regional Plans

Said plans or maps may be changed, supplemented, or abolished from time to time at the discretion of the Commission, but no plans or maps shall be adopted, changed, supplemented or abolished without a public hearing thereon

Article 4.03 - Subdivision Regulations

The Regional Planning Commission shall approve all plats of a subdivision of land within the Region, other than land within a municipal corporation, and shall prescribe the standards for the preparation, approval and recording thereof, and for such purposes shall have the authority to adopt uniform rules and regulations governing plats and subdivisions of land to secure and provide for the proper arrangement of streets or other highways for adequate open spaces for traffic, utilities, access of fire fighting apparatus, recreation, light, air, and for the avoidance of congestion of population. The approval of any plat of subdivision of land lying within three (3) miles of corporate limits of any city pursuant to Section 711.10 ORC shall be conditioned upon receiving approval by the Regional Planning Commission. Subdivision Regulations promulgated by the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission shall not become effective until after Public Hearing and until ratification and approval by the Board of County Commissioners.

Article 4.04 - Community Assistance

The Commission may undertake for any cooperating Municipal governmental unit of the Region, the study, planning, mapping, and reports involving the use of land within the boundaries of such governmental unit and involving a planning or zoning project which is particularly or directly applicable. The cost of such shall be paid by the governmental unit in such manner and amount as may be agreed upon between the Executive Committee of the Regional Planning Commission and the legislative body of such governmental unit.

Article 4.05 - Township Zoning Resolution Review

Before any zoning resolution or amendment thereto shall become effective within the Region, the same shall be submitted to the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission for approval or suggestions and the Commission shall be allowed a reasonable time for consideration and report.

Article 4.06 - Other Powers

Said Regional Planning Commission shall have all other powers and duties now or hereafter provided by law for Regional Planning Commissions as found in the Ohio Revised Code.

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Article 5.01 - President and Vice President

A President and Vice-President shall be elected by the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission at its regular November meeting every two years (commencing 1/09), and shall hold office until the regular meeting in January next after the election and until his/her Successor is elected and qualified. It shall be the duty of the President to serve as the principal Executive Officer of the Commission, to conduct its meetings, execute contracts and to perform such other duties as the Commission shall from time to time direct.
1 The Office of President can only be held for two (2) consecutive terms by the same person, after which a new president shall be elected.
It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assist the President, and to serve in his/her absence, and to perform such other duties as the Commission shall from time to time elect.

Article 5.02 - Secretary

The Commission shall at its regular November meeting every two years (commencing 1/09) elect a Secretary from its membership. The Secretary shall hold office until the regular meeting in January next after his/her election and until his/her successor is elected and qualified. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a full record of the proceedings of the Commission and he/she shall perform such other duties as the Commission shall from time to time direct.

Article 5.03 - Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Jefferson County Planning Commission shall consist of seven (7) members. Members of the Committee shall include six (6) Municipal Governmental Unit Representatives and one (1) Citizen Representative. Composition of the Executive Committee shall include the President, Vice-President, Secretary and three (3) representatives from City, Village and Township Members and one (1) Citizen Representative [If a Citizen Representative is elected an officer (President or Vice-President), five (5) representatives for the Executive Committee are chosen from City, Village and Township Members] who shall be elected from their number at the regular January meeting. Each non-officer member of the Executive Committee shall serve until the next regular January Meeting and until his/her successor is elected and qualified.

Article 5.04 - Vacancies on Executive Committee

In the event a vacancy should occur on the Executive Committee by resignation or any other cause, the President shall seek nominations from the floor to fill the vacancy and will appoint a successor at the next regular meeting for the unexpired term. Such appointment shall be subject to confirmation by the Commission.

Article 5.05 - Special Committees

The Executive Committee shall appoint, for each public improvement which it proposes to study, a special committee which shall include, but need not be limited to, one municipal member from each cooperating municipality in which any part of such improvement is proposed to be situated, and one citizen representative. Such special committee shall study and report to the Executive Committee the improvement assigned to it.

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Article 6.01 - Powers of Executive Committee

All of the powers and duties of the Regional Planning Commission, except as otherwise provided in the statutes of the State of Ohio or in the terms of this Articles of Cooperation, shall be possessed and may be exercised by the Executive Committee, but always subject to review by the Commission at any regular monthly meeting.

Article 6.02 - Adoption of Plans

Upon the adoption by the Executive Committee of any map or plan of the kind and character described in Section 713.23 et. seq. of the Ohio Revised Code, or any change, supplement, or abolition thereof, the Commission shall cause a copy thereof to be sent by mail or delivered personally to each member of the Regional Planning Commission, and a written record to be made of each such mailing or delivery. Any member of the Commission may, within ten days after the mailing or delivering of his copy, serve written demand on the Secretary of the Commission for a special meeting of the Commission to review such map, plan, change supplement, or abolition, in which case the Secretary shall call such special Commission meeting to be held not more than fifteen (15) days after the receipt of such demand. At such meeting, such map, plan, change, supplement, or abolition may be modified or disapproved by the vote of the majority of the members of the Planning Commission.

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Article 7.01 - Commission Meetings

The Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission shall hold at least one (1) regular meeting during each month of the calendar year with the exception of July and August. The regular meeting in January shall constitute the annual meeting of the Commission for the election of the Executive Committee and for organizational purposes. Special Meetings may be called by the President or by any three (3) members for any purpose of the Commission. The Commission Staff shall mail or deliver written notice of each regular or special meeting to each member of the Commission not less than two (2) days prior to each meeting. Notice of Special Meetings shall state the purpose for which such meeting is called.

Article 7.02 - Executive Committee Meetings

The Executive Committee shall provide its own rule for any regular or special meeting it deems necessary and in the absence of any regularly scheduled meetings, the Executive Committee shall meet upon the call of the President or in his absence upon the call of the Vice-President. The Commission Staff shall serve notice of any meeting of the Executive Committee at least twenty four (24) hours prior to said meeting.

Article 7.03 - Quorum

At any meeting (regular or special), of the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission a quorum shall consist of those in attendance. The executive committee shall have four (4) in attendance.

Article 7.04 - Voting

Only Members in good standing or their authorized representatives of the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission shall have voting privileges. A Member in good standing is a City, Village or Township which has paid its annual assessment to the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission during that calendar year. All actions of the Commission or the Executive Committee shall be by resolution or motion. Voting shall be by voice, roll call, or secret ballot and the Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept a record of each vote showing the dyes, nays, not voting, or the absence of any Member.

Article 7.05 - Parliamentary Procedures

Unless otherwise specified herein, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings at the meetings of the Planning Commission.

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Article 8.01 - Civil Subdivision Contributions

Each City, Village and Township cooperating in the maintenance of the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission herein (beginning January, 1992) shall contribute one hundred twenty five dollars ($125.00) during each calendar year as a membership fee. This fee structure may be adjusted by the majority votes of the commission.

Article 8.02 - County Contribution

The remainder of operating costs of the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission shall be paid by the County.

Article 8.03 - Authority to Receive Grants

The Regional Planning Commission may accept, receive and expend funds, grants, and services from the Federal Government or its agencies, from departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of state or local government or from civic sources and contract with respect thereto, and provide such information and reports as may be necessary to secure such financial aid. Any grant or gifts or services will be accepted with the understanding that no vested interests be served.

Article 8.04 - Certification of Appropriation

The Commission shall, at its regular January meeting in each year, make appropriations for its expenses for that year, which appropriations may be modified or supplemented from time to time during the year, but shall at no time exceed the total amount received or due from cooperating governmental units, from public agencies, from the Federal Government or from other sources, plus the amount provided or promised to be provided by the County Commissioners.

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Article 9.01 - Professional Staff

The Commission may authorize the employment of a Director, and such Engineers, Accountants and others as may be necessary and fix their compensation. When so authorized, such employees shall be selected by the Executive Committee in accordance of the Ohio Revise Code Section 713.21 (C).

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Article 10.01 - Local Community Certificate

The Commission, after making the regional plan, or any change, supplement, or abolition thereof, shall certify a copy thereof to each municipality and township of the Region and to the County Commissioners.

Article 10.02 - Local Community Adoption

The legislative body of any governmental unit to which such plan, change, supplement, or abolition is certified, may adopt the same, and it shall thereupon have the same force and effect within such political subdivision as it is provided by law or charter for plans prepared and adopted by said Planning Commission. The County Commissioners may adopt said plan, change, supplement, or abolition so far as it relates to non-municipal territory.

Article 10.03 - Local Communities Not Adopting

Said plan, change, supplement or abolition shall be of no effect in any governmental unit unless so adopted by its legislative body or in any non-municipal territory unless so adopted by the County Commissioners. When so adopted, said plan, change, supplement, or abolition shall be certified to the Regional Planning Commission and filed with the County Recorder, as provided by law.

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Article 11.01 - Inclusion of Statutes

All applicable statutes of the State of Ohio are included in these terms of cooperation and made a part thereof.

Article 11.02 - Inclusion of Severance Clause

The invalidity of any section or provision of the Articles of Cooperation or Bylaws shall not invalidate any other section or portion thereof.

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Article 12.01 - Method of Withdrawal

Any City, Village, Township or the legislative authority of Jefferson County may withdraw its cooperation hereunder at the time by adopting a Resolution to do so and delivering a certified copy thereof, approved by the legislative body, to the Secretary of the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission. Such withdrawal shall be effective upon delivery, but shall not relieve the withdrawing party of its obligation to contribute its share of the cost for the year in which the withdrawal occurs, nor shall it withdraw for that year the party's territory from the Region.

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Section 13.01 - Methods for Amendments

These terms of cooperation may be amended by Resolution adopted by the Regional Planning Commission at any regular meeting, and confirmed by the County Commissioners within three months thereafter.

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Article 14.01 - Time of Taking Effect

These revised terms of the Articles of Cooperation and Bylaws shall take effect on November 6, 2008 as agreed upon by the Board of Jefferson County Commissioners and the Membership of the governmental units participating in the maintenance of the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission.

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