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By virtue of the adoption of a Resolution of Cooperation by the Board of County Commissioners of Jefferson County and by the City, Village, and Township governments within Jefferson County, Ohio, there has been created a Regional Planning Commission vested with powers given to regional planning commissions under the laws of the State of Ohio, particularly Revised Code 713.21 et seq. Such Resolution of Cooperation provides for the creation of a Commission composed of representatives of Jefferson County, the cooperating Cities, Villages and Townships and Citizen Representatives appointed by the Board of County Commissioners which has the right to exercise the powers and duties of the Regional Planning Commission. Subject to the provisions of all applicable statutes and in order to carry out the duties and functions of the Regional Planning Commission vested in it by virtue of the Resolution of Cooperation and the Statutes of the State of Ohio, it is hereby determined to be necessary and desirable that the following Bylaws be adopted:

Section I TITLE

Article 1.01 - Name

The name of the Commission shall be the "Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission".


Article 2.01 - Executive Officers

The Executive Officers of the Regional Planning Commission shall be its President, Vice-President, and Secretary, each of whom shall be elected by the Commission at its November regular every two years (commencing 1/09) and shall hold office until the first January regular meeting in the succeeding year, and until his/her successor is elected and qualified. The President, Vice-President and Secretary shall be members of the Commission.

Article 2.02 - Election of Officers

The election of Officers shall be in a manner as provided for in Section V of the Articles of Cooperation and voting privileges shall be in accordance of Article 7.04 of the Articles of Cooperation.

Article 2.03 – Nomination

At the regular November meeting every other year (commencing 1/09) the President shall inquire of the membership for nomination from the floor to fill the President, Vice President and Secretary positions. If more the one (1) candidate per office is nominated then a secret ballot will be casted.

Article 2.04 - Duties of President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Commission and the Executive Committee and, except to the extent as hereinafter otherwise provided, sign all written contracts and obligations of the Commission. He shall be, ex officio, a member of all committees and shall perform all the duties incident to the office including appointment of all committees, and such other and further duties as may from time to time be required or requested of him by the Commission or the Executive Committee.

Article 2.05 - Duties of Vice-President

The Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the President in case of his/her absence or disability and such other and further duties as may from time to time be required or requested by the Commission. In case the Vice-President and President are absent or unable to perform their duties, the Commission may appoint a President pro-tem who shall have the authority to conduct the meeting of the Commission.

Article 2.06 - Duties of Secretary

The Secretary shall keep or supervise the keeping of minutes of all meetings of the Commission or Executive Committee in books provided for that purpose and shall perform such other and further duties as may be required of him by the Commission or the Executive Committee.

Article 2.07 - Other Officers

The Commission may appoint or elect such other officers as it shall deem necessary, who shall have such authority and shall perform such duties as from time to time shall be assigned by the Commission or the Executive Committee.

Article 2.09 - Vacancy

If any Office shall become vacant by reason of death, resignation, dis¬qualification or any other cause, the President shall appoint at the next regular meeting a successor to hold Office for the unexpired term in respect to which such vacancy occurred or was created. Such appoint¬ment shall be subject to confirmation by the Commission.


Article 3.01 - Executive Committee Members

The Executive Committee of the Jefferson County Planning Commission shall consist of seven (7) members. Members of the Committee shall include six (6) Municipal Governmental Unit Representatives and one (1) Citizen Representative. Composition of the Executive Committee shall include the President, Vice-President, Secretary and three (3) representatives from City, Village and Township Members and one (1) Citizen Representative [If a Citizen Representative is elected an officer (President or Vice-President), five (5) representatives for the Executive Committee are chosen from City, Village and Township Members] who shall be elected from their number at the regular January meeting. Each non-officer member of the Executive Committee shall serve until the next regular January Meeting and until his/her successor is elected and qualified.

Article 3.02 - Election of Executive Committee.

The election of members of the Executive Committee shall be in a manner as provided for in Section V of the Articles of Cooperation.

Article 3.03 - Nomination

At the regular January meeting every two (2) years (commencing 1/09), the President shall make inquiry of the membership for nominations from the floor to fill at-large vacancies on the Executive Committee.

The Secretary shall compile the list of nominees. In preparing this list, the President will pose a question to potential nominees to assure that they are willing to accept the nomination. The election of Executive Committee members will be executed immediately after all potential nomi¬nees accept the nomination to be on the Committee.


Article 4.01 - Meetings of the Commission

The meetings of the Commission shall be held as provided in Section VII of the Articles of Cooperation.

Article 4.02 – Attendance

Any Member of the Commission that has been absent for two (2) regularly scheduled meetings during the calendar year (between January and June and then September and December), and having been properly advised as to the date, time and place of said meetings shall be subject to recommendation for removal by the Executive Committee and lose said membership privileges for that year. The Secretary shall prepare a list for Commission members at the end of each calendar quarter showing the attendance records. At this time or any time a member has missed three (3) regular meetings, the Executive Committee will notify the appointing legislative body.

Article 4.03 - Conflict of Interest

Whenever a matter is brought before the Commission in regards to which a member believes that he/she is prejudiced, by reason of financial interest, membership in another body, or otherwise, he/she shall disqualify himself/ herself from discussion or voting. (Questions regarding conflict of interest, please refer to Ohio Revised Code.)


Article 5.01 - Term of Director

The Director shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for such term or at its pleasure as it, by resolution shall approve.

Article 5.02 - Duties of Director

Pursuant to the Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission Articles of Cooperation, the Director shall have charge of and manage the active business operations of the Regional Planning Commission; shall superintend and control the work to be done by its employees and sign all reports and recommendations of the Commission under the direction of the Commission or the Executive Committee; shall keep active accounts of all property passing through his/her hands and shall do and perform all other duties as are assigned to him/her by the Commission, the Executive Committee, or the Executive Officers


Article 6.01 - Office Management

The Jefferson County Regional Planning Commission has officially adopted the Personnel Policy Manual (July, 1984) and the Classification Plan (May, 1984) for Jefferson County as a policy pertaining to Office Management (Personnel).


Article 7.01 - Manner

All disbursements of the Regional Planning Commission shall be by voucher drawn on the Auditor of Jefferson County, signed as hereinafter provided and approved by the County Commissioners.

Article 7.02 - Major Expenditures and Disbursements

All expenditures, disbursements, or commitments or contracts for expendi¬tures or disbursements, when in excess of $500.00, shall be authorized jointly by the President, or, in his absence, by the Vice-President and the Director, or, in his absence, by his Assistant, if he should have one, provided that neither shall approve his own account

Article 7.03 - Minor Expenditures and Disbursements

Expenditures, disbursements, or commitments or contracts for expenditures or disbursements, in an amount of $500.00 or less, shall be authorized by the Director, or, in his absence, by his Assistant.


Article 8.01 - Membership Privileges

Any political subdivision which is a member of the Regional Planning Commission shall, without additional contribution or payment, be entitled to:

A.    Representation and participation by representatives of its own choosing in discussions and decisions regarding planning of regional or local interest at all meetings of the Regional Planning Commission.

B.    Representation on special committees authorized or appointed to study special problems wherein the area involved includes some part or all of the terri¬tory of such political Subdivision.

C.    A review and report regarding any preliminary plan of a subdivision of a limited area, as determined by the Director, filed with the unit of government which a subdivision is proposed.

D.    Consultation by local planning officers with staff members of the Regional Planning Commission on minor or special planning problems.

E.    The Occasional attendance by a staff member of the Regional Planning Commission, as determined by the Director, at meetings of the political subdivision planning commission or legislative body to render advice and assistance on specific local planning matters.

F.    The use of the library of the Regional Planning Commission.

G. Eligibility for grants.

Article 8.02 Agreement for Community Planning Services

The Director is hereby authorized to undertake for the Planning Commission of any Governmental unit which is a member of the Regional Planning Commission, in addition to the services mentioned in Article 8.01, the study, planning and mapping of, or reporting upon public improvements or
the use or development of land within the boundaries of such governmental unit which affect the development of the region as a whole or which do not begin or terminate within such political subdivision accordance with these Bylaws, or in accordance with any special agreement authorized or approved by the Executive Committee.

Article 8.03 - Fees

All charges for services rendered pursuant to Article 8.02 shall be based on a Fee Schedule recommended by the Director and approved by the Execu¬tive Committee.

Article 8.04 - Procedure for Agreements

Service agreements between any member political subdivision and the Commis¬sion shall be consummated upon: (1) a resolution passed by the legislative body of member governmental unit requesting the Regional Planning Commission to proceed with specified planning services and appropriating the necessary funds to cover the cost of the work to be performed by members of the staff of the Regional Planning Commission during the current year, to be followed by supplemental appropriations in Succeeding years as required to complete the specified services, and (2) a resolution by the Executive Committee of the Commission authorizing the Director to proceed with such work pursuant to the request of the legislative body of such governmental unit.

Article 8.05 - Community Planning Reports

Before any written report, document or plan, but not the preliminary work leading up thereto, is issued by the Director in connection with planning service rendered by agreement to any political subdivision or adminis¬trative body or bureau thereof, such written report, document or plan shall first be submitted to the Executive Committee for authorization of issuance, approval of contents or recommendation for further study. If Possible, drafts of the proposed report shall be mailed to the members of the Executive Committee in advance of the meeting to consider such report.

Article 8.06 - Reports of Progress on Community Planning

At each Executive Committee meeting and quarterly meeting of the Regional Planning Commission, the Director may present a report on community planning then in progress or under consideration. If Possible, drafts of the proposed report shall be mailed to the members of the Executive Committee in advance of the meeting to consider such report.


Article 9.01 - Methods to Report Findings

All reports of special committees appointed by the Executive Committee shall be in writing to the Executive Committee for authorization of issuance, approval of contents, or recommendation for further study before being released.


Article 10.01 - Method to Alleviate Conflict

These Bylaws are declared to be not in conflict with the Articles of Cooperation, and should a conflict arise, it shall be resolved in favor of the Articles of Cooperation. Any provisions of the Articles of Cooperation not expressly stated herein are hereby made a part of the Bylaws as adopted.
As part of its duties, the Executive Committee shall review the Articles of Cooperation and these Bylaws, and should amendments be deemed appropriate, the Committee shall submit same to the Regional Planning Commission at a regular meeting.


Article 11.01 - Method for Amending Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended from time to time only in accordance with the following procedure:

A.    A motion approving the form of such proposed amendment shall be adopted by the Executive Committee at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the next regular meeting of the Commission, or a petition signed by at least five (5) members setting forth the proposed amendment shall be delivered to the Secretary at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the next regular meeting of the Commission.

B.    The secretary shall thereafter, but not less than ten (10) days prior to the next regular meeting of the Commission, forward to each member of the Commission, a copy of such proposed amendment to¬gether with a notice that it will be the subject of action at the next regular meeting of the Commission.

C. Such proposed amendment shall be presented at the next regular meeting of the Commission and considered as moved and seconded for adoption.

D.    An affirmative vote of 2/3 of those present and voting shall be necessary for approval of said amendment.

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